How It Works


Register for free and set your personal miles and fundraising goal starting with the time you register (today, hopefully) to the end of the calendar year (December 31st). You can set any mileage goal for yourself that fits your lifestyle and you can adjust your riding goals at any time throughout the year. It helps to think about the question: How many miles would I ride each month? That way, you can break down your riding goals into monthly goals.

Enjoy the process, be mindful, and challenge yourself in ways that are healthy for you alone. We aim to boost mental health by developing healthy habits and a lifestyle that slows us down a bit. While bike riding is a form of exercise, it should not become a form of stress. Thus, your goals differ from another person’s goals and that is OK.

Recording miles and raising funds runs from January 1st to December 31st. On December 31st, the last day of the year, you can proudly look at all you have accomplished and then set new riding and fundraising goals for the next year.


Share your goals with your friends and family and spread the word about mental health awareness and how you are actively participating in improving mental health access for many. Asking for donations through your challenge page will raise support to continue research and launch the development of free mental health resources for churches and communities. For fundraising tips and ideas check out our information.


The fun part is starting to ride to accomplish your riding goals and your fundraising goals. Find time to ride regularly. Adopt a pattern that you could sustain over a longer period of time. Try to think of riding as something that could become part of the fabric of your everyday life, if it isn’t already. Thus, we are not so much into promoting big, one-time riding or racing events; instead, we aim to support creating (bicycle) lifestyles that would continuously support your overall mental health and physical fitness.

You can do short rides, long rides, solo rides, or group rides with friends and other bikers. You decide. We welcome the leisure rider, the active touring biker, and the high-mileage racer alike. Everyone is welcome to join in.


To keep track of your miles, you can use the STRAVA app that is integrated with our website. STRAVA helps you record each ride. The app will sync your data and miles with your Global Cycle Club profile. Additionally, you can also manually add your miles/rides whether you use an odometer or a GPS tracker.

Your profile will keep track of all your ride data and how you are progressing. The work for mental health awareness and developing free resources for churches and communities is endless, which means everybody’s contribution will be impactful. Each rider counts. Each effort counts.